3 Home-Improvement Projects to Green Up Your Home

If there’s one thing the developed world needs, it’s more green homes. A green home is one that’s designed to be environmentally friendly so that it produces less energy and gives more to the environment than it takes.

If you’re thinking of undertaking a home remodeling project or interior design project, consider a few things you can do to make your home greener than than it currently is. Of course, your home should always maintain a feeling of comfort and style, but it can also be environmentally friendly.

Natural energy

If you want to save a lot on energy and help the environment in a substantial way, one of the best home-improvement projects to take on is the installation of solar panels. These will make it possible for you to heat and cool your home with renewable energy.

Solar panels allow you to save energy on heating and cooling. Additionally, you can use them for your home and/or your pool or patio area. Many people choose to use solar energy to heat their swimming pool instead of using a traditional pool heater.


Image Source: Pixabay

Interior design

The interior of your home shouldn’t be neglected when you go green. You can make sure your kitchen is greener than it was before by replacing your old appliances with new, more energy-efficient equipment. The ones that carry the Energy Star logo are the best.

When you install and use appliances such as these, you save on utilities and contribute to improving the environment.

Tankless water heaters

This is a project you can do yourself if you know anything about water heaters, or you can hire a professional. Either way, replacing your old water heater with a tankless one is another thing you can do in your home to help both yourself and the planet.

Believe it or not, a simple tankless water heater will reduce your energy bill by about half of its current size. Combined with up to 30 percent that you’ll save with Energy Star appliances, you’ll find that your home is not only environmentally friendly, but remarkably wallet friendly as well.

Going green is an not a difficult mission to undertake at home. You can do it without sacrificing personal taste or style. Furniture manufacturers are making more and more furniture out of recycled materials, energy-efficient appliances are as stylish as ever, and doing your part to save the environment with a home remodel both emotionally satisfying and easy on your savings.


About Author
Tom is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Tech News and Web Design section on TechRivet.
